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Father’s Day Gift Guide – 2024

Hello, June. Hello, Summer. 👋🏼

This one is for the Dads.

The husbands, fathers, grandfathers, father-in-laws, uncles, brothers, friends, neighbors.

You know … we know that men get a pretty bad rap sometimes. You hear a lot about the evil ones, the disappointing ones, the cruel ones, the unavailable ones. There are those who deserve the hate, that’s for sure. But, what about the others? The ones who are there. The ones who have held us, carried us, treasured us, supported us, encouraged us and loved us.

I have had the honor and pleasure of knowing and loving some really good men in this life. They have made me feel seen and known and cherished. They have taught me how to trust myself and others. They have shown me how to work hard and still put your family first. They have danced with me in the kitchen, wiped my tears when I’ve cried, made me laugh until I pee, prayed with me and held me as long as I’ve needed.

Laughter comes easy for the best of them.

Happy Father’s Day, to all the good ones. We see you. We love you. We are incredibly grateful to share this life with you.

Now, I know, it’s not about the gift. It never really is. BUT, if you do want to give a little somethin, somethin to any of the fellas in your life … this Father’s Day Gift Guide is for you!

Links: Solo Stove, National Park Scratch Off Poster, BBQ Apron, Custom Dad Hat, 6-pack cooler, Ballparks book, Ring-toss game, Travel Watch Roll, Hoodie, Blanket, Tape Measure, Coffee Mug, Cornhole boards, Swim Trunks, Personalized Sweatshirt, Fish Coozie, Travel Bag

Happy gift-giving, friends!

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