Back to School ~ The Grown Up Edition
September. Even if school technically starts in August for many of us, there is still something SO inherently “back-to-school” about September. Even as an adult, I can’t shake it. I want new school supplies when September rolls around. Lol. But, really it’s the fresh, new, and clean that’s so appealing, right? September brings the promise of a fresh start, much like the New Year. A new school year. Even if you aren’t the one going to school. Maybe it’s that. Or, maybe it’s that my birthday falls on August 31st, so September really does usher in a new year for me. Another trip around the sun. It’s the perfect time for me to reflect and re-evaluate. The seasons are changing and the promise of fall and cooler temps are giving us life. In many ways, I am better suited for a fresh start in September than I am in January.
To pay homage to the inner-child in each of us AND to usher in autumn with intention and gratitude, I wanted to honor September with a little back-to-school-the-grown-up-edition.
First things first. Reflect. What is no longer working? Where can we tweak our schedules or routines to better serve our needs in this new season?
Edit. Where can we purge? What can we set aside? Physically. Mentally. Emotionally.
Re-evaluate. What would we like to add? What would we like to welcome in? What would be a good addition and bring value to our lives this season?
Fresh air. Fresh promise. Happy September.
Plus, some new school supplies …

links: planner, desk chair, folders, leather backpack, scissors, “lists are my love language” notepad, marble pencil cup, pencils, magazine holder, pencil pouch, yellow “bee” linen journal, tech folio, wall-hanging note roll, office tackle box, desk, lunchbox, or see all links on LTK
Now, go enjoy this beautiful month! Until next time …