Spring Looks for Littles – Mini Boden Style
I’ll be honest, we haven’t done very much shopping this spring. It’s just such a weird time … such a strange season in all of our lives. I simply haven’t been planning for spring and summer the way I usually do. In fact, if times were normal, we’d be tracking out (we’re in a year round school district) and heading to FL for a vacation next weekend, so I would have done a LOT more shopping by now. Actually, the few items that I have ordered for the kids have all been from Mini Boden. We love their cute looks and are always pleased with the great quality of their clothing! The only downside would be that they typically ship from the UK and that can be slow these days.
Here are a few new outfits and looks that we are loving for Spring 2020 …

Noah loves their soft tees and I love that he’s willing to “dress up” in these chambray shorts. Plus, we always agree on Vans!

Audrey loves chambray too! I mean, really, who doesn’t?! 😉 This sweet chambray dress is actually from last year, but it’s getting a lot of wear this year too.

Another item that Audrey is always up for is a floral dress! This one is incredibly soft and has the sweetest detail on the back. Add in a matching cardi and some sparkly sandals and this girl is all set! {Note: this little number was originally intended to be her Easter dress, but since we were home for Easter this year, she opted for a more casual ensemble}

Lastly (well, for today anyways 😉 ), this denim floral jumper reminds me of my own childhood and is absolutely something my mother would have bought for me. Luckily for all of us, Audrey loves a good, nostalgic jumper!

Which look is your favorite?