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  • Ibrahim Lukman says:

    Am facing the same issue, please do you got your account back?

    • Lori Blair says:

      Yes, I did get it back! Good luck to you!

      • anna a says:

        by appealing?

        • Lori Blair says:

          Yes. I appealed a lot … and emailed any address that I could get my hands on. And, called any number I could get my hands on. In the end, I think it just takes time before any actual human eyes are on your appeal. In my case, I believe that it was all in error and that was obvious but it just took time to get anyone to see it.

  • Mohd says:

    Hi Lori Blair, im currently facing the same issue as yours with almost similar routine of using instagram. May i know how long it takes until u able to log in back? Mine already one week, and i only received one respond from them mentioned “we unable to restore you account”.

    To be honest i give up already, but after read your posting and comments, i think i want to continue to appeal.

  • goran says:

    Wow thank you for putting into words my exact thoughts. Facing the same issue. No response, no where to contact, it has been over a month of me sending in the same things hoping for a miracle.

  • Agna says:

    hey Lori, I just got my account deactivated for the same reason you did… and I never sold anything or intended to do so ever! 🙁

    I have been appealing everyday, does submitting such forms help at all?

  • Fatema Zarour says:

    Hello my friend.. I am now facing the same problem as you.. I received an email saying that my account was removed incorrectly and your account was restored and you can log in to it now.. but that did not happen and I cannot log in.. even the user name no longer appears for appeal again as before. Now I don’t know what step I should take.. Can you help me and tell me what method you followed to contact them after the username disappeared and how much time did it take to recover the account after the email sent from them stating that the account had been restored?

  • Armin says:

    Hey lori I am an Iranian user and I have been facing this problem for two weeks. I did everything you said, but the answer is (we can’t restore your account). I don’t know exactly what to write for Instagram and where to start I will get the answer and the account that I worked so hard for is back with 14,000 followers. I am happy from the bottom of my heart that you were able to recover your account. If you read my message, please help me♥️

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