The January Edit
It’s the last day of the longest month of the year! I honestly don’t know how it happens, but year after year the months just seem to fly by faster and faster … with January being the exception. Time just stands still in January. It’s a curiosity for sure.
New year. New plans. New ideas. This year, I thought it would be fun to round off each month with an extra shopping guide. These round-ups will mainly be a random mashup of items that caught my eye at some point during the month. Annddd, I’ll include a few monthly highlights or tidbits to wrap up the month and put a bow on it 😉
The January Edit: This-and-That spotted or purchased this past month ….

Links: scalloped bell, marble accent bowl, patent loafers, silver hoop earrings, tree sketch, taper candle holder, coup glass, silver sneakers, leather bag, velvet oven mitts, small marble base bowl, swan object, framed print, marble wine chiller, vase
The January Highlight Reel: January is an interesting month in our family. Our kiddos are in a year-round school district … which means they go to school all year long, tracking in and out 4x each year. Rather than having a 12 week summer break, they have approx. 3 weeks off each quarter. Our winter “track out” lands in January and bumps up next to Christmas break – making it the longest track out of the year at a whopping 5 weeks off. Because of this, we definitely tend to ease in to the new year. I’m slow to write out my goals or start anything new and tend to consider February as my true start to a new work year. January looks like movie nights and cozy days at home – plus a dose of travel. We spent a week at Disney World and Universal Studios. Watch a Reel recapping our trip here! January also involved our first (easy) house project of the year – my son and I painted his room (he picked the color all on his own!) and Ryan built him a few sturdy walnut shelves. It was a quick refresh, but it had a big impact of him. Ryan is making a lot of progress on the dining room table and, while the hutch has been “on pause” for a little while, we’re about to finish that up too. Hopefully February will see a lot of progress on the project front! 😊
See you in February! 👋🏼