Joy. ~Watching him, I realize – I’m witnessing joy in its purest form. His life is uncomplicated and uncluttered. He has nothing on his mind. Nothing but love in his heart. It’s all so simple to him. Watching the waves roll in, laughing and running from them. With squeals of excitement and a bright light in his eyes, I see freedom. Right now, at this moment, he is utterly free. And full of a joy so pure, it makes my eyes fill and my heart hurt.~

If joy is a choice, than maybe it’s one that we make too complicated. The world is indeed full of tragedy and loss. Joy can seem so elusive, at times. But, watching my children, I feel like maybe that joy is already there, in all of our hearts – a gift from God, just waiting for us to accept it. Maybe it can be simple. Maybe it’s not about being happy all the time. Maybe it starts with looking up instead of down. Smiling instead of frowning. Showing kindness and patience. Holding a door open. Looking someone in the eye. Exercising self-control. Expressing love. Allowing yourself to believe that you ARE enough. Letting the joy seep back in again.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.” Summer (or track-out) is always a great time to do a few extra projects with your kiddos. This summer I plan to focus mainly on the fruits of the spirit with my own littles. Check Pinterest for tons of great worksheets, coloring sheets, activities, projects with actual fruit, etc. Join me as we attempt to be the LIGHT shining in a world that can often be much too dark. I’d love to hear back from you about how you are incorporating the fruits of the spirit into your own summer plans!
You can find this original article over to Raleigh Moms Blog!