Another Trip Around the Sun ~ This is 42.
Today is my birthday. My birthday. Today I am 42. 42 years old.
“It’s alright, it’s alright, it’s alright, it’s your birthday, dear. It’s alright, it’s alright, and we will carry on. And you know, and you know, and you know, it’s your birthday. Every word, every word, and we will sing it along” – The Lumineers

A song plays. I sit in my morning chair and watch the light of day open up to greet me.
A candle flickers.
My sweetheart is making breakfast and singing in the kitchen.
My babies come to me with their sleepy faces and kiss me. “Good morning, Mommy.” And, then … “Oh! Happy Birthday!” as they remember.

On this, the most ordinary of days, when lunches still need to be packed and the day will get busy … I choose to sit here a moment longer.
To look out through the house.
To hear the Lumineers playing softly.
To see my girl, in her pajamas, drawing at the counter.
My boy watching a YouTube video about guitar.
My pup stretching as she lazily moves off the couch.
A snapshot.
A moment in time.

On this, the most ordinary of mornings, when nothing is different but everything is different because I choose to SEE it.
In that moment of choosing, the ordinary cracks apart and the extraordinary comes busting through.
How miraculous.
This ordinary life.
How absolutely magical.
These people that I get to love. These people that love me well.
How amazingly beautiful.
I don’t see it everyday.
But today. Today I choose to give myself the gift of paying attention. The gift of looking around and seeing it with fresh eyes. The gift of sight.
Today, I am 42.
Today, I am incredibly thankful.
I can reflect on what was.
I can look forward with hope for what’s to come.
And, I can pause and sit it in the NOW and allow myself to see it …
My beautiful life.
What a blessing.

“We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10