For my littlest loves – Happy Valentine’s Day from your Momma —
The sun settles over me with a blinding brilliancy
As I watch you, my babies
You are the most beautiful beings
My heart radiates with a magical love
Certainly there is no greater
It is yours and always yours
To carry with you on your travels
I will always be your home
Your refuge
A safe place to hide
A shelter from life’s storms
I will always be your strength
On days when you need to fall
I will be your ear
On days when you feel lost
I will laugh with you forever
For your giggles light my way
I will hold you
Long after you are too big for my lap
And, my heart will carry you
Long after the sands of time have faded away
You will never be alone,
My loves.
Your momma’s love will fly with the angels and surround you…
On and on and on…