It’s a blog relaunch, y’all. It’s time to write … again.
Hi, Friends!
I felt like a letter seemed like the most appropriate way to start. To begin. To explain it all. To share with you. I am so excited about this. A relaunch! My blog back – but new, fresh and honestly, way different than it ever was before. I’m just so stinkin’ HAPPY to be here with you again. It feels right to be able to sit and share my heart with you. And, to hopefully hear yours.

So, you ask, why a blog? Why now? The truth is… Because it’s time. Even in these uncertain times, it still felt like time. Even though … all that’s going on in the world made me hesitate. Yet, I still felt it – it’s time. I started this blog over six years ago (nearly SEVEN!) when I was pregnant with my baby girl. I had started staying home full-time and I just wanted to do what my heart needed to do … and that was write. Just write. I wanted it to look somewhat pretty, but I honestly didn’t care how many people read it. I didn’t even have an Instagram account yet. I just wanted to write. At my core, I’m a writer. And still, at my core, that’s what I want to do. So, that’s why a blog. It’s the easiest way to put my words down and put them out there. Writing was placed on my heart as a child and it’s been somewhere there on the back-burner ever since. And, lately, I’ve felt God‘s gentle (and not so gentle) nudge telling me that it’s time to start again. Time to un-become and become. To stop and start. To start again. Things rarely unfold in the way that we think they will or in the time that we imagine. I thought that I would continue blogging and writing when I started all those years ago, but motherhood was consuming for me … in a beautiful way, yes, but still consuming. It was hard and it was good. I was good. I just slowly got away from writing. I didn’t keep going. And, that’s okay. I was at peace with that. That season was necessary. That season was … oh, gosh … so many, many things I could say about that sweet, brutal, wonderful season in the sun with my sweet babies. But, a new season is here (as bizarre as that still is to say) and my heart has been searching for something … and this is it. My words to you. My way to share this journey with you. I have always felt my heart pulling me in a lot of different directions. My mind is busy. I’ve always needed to be creative. That’s necessary for me or I just get … off. I can no longer deny it. And, that’s why the time is now.
So, thank you, thank you, thank for being here. Thank you for joining me. I truly look forward to all that this may bring!

How do we hit like? Welcome back!